  • JUDA: Judaism Through the ArtsInteractive and Exciting Jewish Education for Ages 4-12
    Sundays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Register here.
When Chabad of Waukesha opened its doors in 2012, it joined over 3500 independently run centers that are dedicated to carrying out the Rebbe's legacy. From Shanghai to Kishinev, from Alaska to Zaire, the Rebbe's shluchim (emissaries) and their families continue to realize the Rebbe's foremost objective: to bring the joy and celebration of Judaism to each and every Jew, and thereby to the entire world. Inspired by the Rebbe, Chabad of Waukesha's guiding principles is Ahavas Yisroel, unconditional love for every individual. We are dedicated to providing each and every Jew in Waukesha regardless of background or degree of commitment the opportunity to discover and experience the beauty of our shared heritage in a warm, welcoming and non-judgemental environment.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • The Real ArmageddonFor most Jews, the word Armageddon conjures up images of wild non-Jewish ideas, far removed from the... Read More
  • Is Dating Outdated?The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast Read More
Jewish History
Shevat 18, 5785
Jewish History
  • Auto De Fe in Peru

    With the inquisition having arrived on American shores, twelve Jews were burnt i...

Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Waukesha, WI 53186
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Mar. 13 - Mar. 14
Daily Thought
Jews, since Abraham, saw themselves as servants of a transcendent G-d. But in a New World, servitude and self-discipline didn’t go over so well. The Rebbe wrote that he had pondered this problem at length: How can we communicate to children today the dedication and responsibility that comes along with being a Jew? So the Rebbe created Tzivos Hashem—literally, an army. He gave the children a sense of pride, as they rose in rank in this army, and told them that they were on a special mission to defeat evil, model goodness, and make this world a divine home for its Maker, the Commander-in-Chief. At public gatherings, the children now...
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