When Chabad of Waukesha opened its doors in 2012, it joined over 3500
independently run centers that are dedicated to carrying out the Rebbe's legacy.
From Shanghai to Kishinev, from Alaska to Zaire, the Rebbe's shluchim
(emissaries) and their families continue to realize the Rebbe's foremost objective:
to bring the joy and celebration of Judaism to each and every Jew,
and thereby to the
entire world.
Inspired by the Rebbe, Chabad of Waukesha's guiding principles is Ahavas Yisroel,
unconditional love for every individual. We are dedicated to providing each and
every Jew in Waukesha regardless of background or degree of commitment the
opportunity to discover and experience the beauty of our shared heritage in a warm,
welcoming and non-judgemental environment.
Chabad of Waukesha is an affiliate of Lubavitch of Wisconsin.